Summer is not complete until you pull out that perfect white dress you have been waiting to wear all winter. Wearing white during the summer started as a tradition when wealthier population retired to the countryside to escape both heat and grime of a big city. This tradition has changed, with stylish white winter looks that made a huge comeback recently. However, you cannot deny that a bright white summer dress makes you think about the sun’s warmth! With this in mind, we have taken inspiration from this tradition and put together some simple but elegant ways to wear white summer dresses. Below are our ideas how to wear white fashionably this summer and some of our top picks of white summer dresses from Papilio evening fashion collections.
Shop mini dresses for summer!
Act casual!
All white outfits and white summer dresses
Most think white is exclusively for country clubs or brides, but seeing the gorgeous white evening dresses available, this could not be more wrong. The right white brings out your natural glow, creates a super glam look and is perfect for the warmer months. Another benefit, white looks fantastic when paired with any color, from red heels to nude strappy sandals. So, when planning what to wear to your next big event, grab those summer-ready shoes and choose a stunning but fashionable white summer dress.
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